Perspectivas de Liderazgo

Las ideas de liderazgo de Refinery están escritas por nuestros expertos de todo el mundo con décadas de experiencia en el desarrollo del liderazgo. Siempre estamos aprendiendo y compartiendo.
Part One: Building The Better Boss: The Challenge

Part One: Building The Better Boss: The Challenge

In my role as Director of Design at Refinery, I’m often asked to describe our approach to leadership development and even more often asked to comment on what sets our work apart from other offerings. Because these are frequently asked questions, I like to think I’ve...

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Refinery – What’s It Like to Be Our Client?

Refinery – What’s It Like to Be Our Client?

People often ask us what they can expect when they sign up their organization to engage in a Refinery Leadership Program. They know – more or less – what they want and what they are looking to achieve. What they don’t know is what it’s going to take to get there, what...

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What is Needed from Leaders in 2022

What is Needed from Leaders in 2022

Leaders have faced many challenges they never expected over the past two years.  And today, many are not only still dealing with the fallout of the pandemic, but they are also facing a labour shortage that for some is already reaching crisis levels. And these same...

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Safety in Mining Part 1- Susan we have a problem

Safety in Mining Part 1- Susan we have a problem

“Susan, we have a problem at our Lost Wolf Mine Site*.  Despite the fact that we implemented an intensive safety program last year, we continue to see a rise in critical safety incidents and fatalities.  Can you help us?” This request was not one that we commonly...

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Learning the Recipe of Refinery’s Secret Sauce

Learning the Recipe of Refinery’s Secret Sauce

When Rhonda Gorman first joined the Refinery team in February 2019 in a business development role, she wasn’t sure if she had made the right decision or not. Of course, she knew of Refinery, but like many others that she now comes in contact with on a daily basis, she...

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Banking and Leadership

Banking and Leadership

I’m pretty proud of the fact that I spent a good majority of my formative career years in the banking industry. Fortunately, I had some great leaders to guide me through the sometimes treacherous political waters of “big bank” hierarchies. Over the years, I worked in...

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Questions for a New World of Leadership

Questions for a New World of Leadership

Last March, as we contemplated the need to adapt our in-person programs to virtual programs, we knew it was not as simple as just taking the same content and activities and delivering them via an online platform such as Zoom. After all, Refinery is best known for our...

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Effective Leadership During Times of Uncertainty

Effective Leadership During Times of Uncertainty

Over the past few weeks, change has occurred rapidly and drastically. As a leader, engagement with your teams might be one of the few things our employees can depend on to guide them through their days. Now more than ever, we must remember the fundamentals of...

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How connected are you really?

How connected are you really?

What does being connected mean to you? defines connected as: • united, joined, or linked. • having a connection. • joined together in sequence; linked coherently: connected ideas. • Related by family ties. • Having social or professional relationships,...

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What leadership looks like in times of turmoil

What leadership looks like in times of turmoil

In the wake of the tragedy that took place on March 15th in Christchurch New Zealand, I shared something powerful and hopeful with my LinkedIn community: the picture of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, accompanied by a comment on her display of empathy and inspiring...

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Knowing How Isn’t Always Enough

Knowing How Isn’t Always Enough

Last November, I took a break and spent a (well deserved if I do say so) vacation in Jamaica. While there, my wife and I went for a dive on one of the reefs off the coast of Negril. Despite being a proficient diver, having dove for many years in Central America,...

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Know the Theory, Know the Real World, KNOW YOURSELF

Know the Theory, Know the Real World, KNOW YOURSELF

Stencilled on the wall of The Refinery’s head office in Vancouver, BC, are some of the team’s shared values. “Know the theory, know the real world, know yourself,” is, in my opinion, a great foundation for success in the field of leadership development. The latter...

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Shedding the Corporate Armour—Part One

Shedding the Corporate Armour—Part One

It was May of 1985. I had just finished my last final exam during my third year of undergrad, and had heard back from my internship coordinator that I was scheduled for my first interview for a professional internship at the Marine Bank Corporation in Milwaukee,...

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Sometimes You Just Need to Get Punched

Sometimes You Just Need to Get Punched

I love this excerpt from a recent New York Times interview with Amy Schumer where she was asked: “What’s the best book you’ve ever received as a gift?” Whether you like her comedy or not, her reference to The Professional pulls out an inherent truth in how she...

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