by Refinery | Jun 13, 2019 | Development, Opinions, Uncategorized
What does being connected mean to you? defines connected as: • united, joined, or linked. • having a connection. • joined together in sequence; linked coherently: connected ideas. • Related by family ties. • Having social or professional relationships,...
by Refinery | May 1, 2019 | Opinions, Uncategorized
Losing my job after moving my young family to another state was hard. Not having another job prospect once I returned home was harder. Finding out I was pregnant with my third child was beyond ridiculous on the stress meter. It wasn’t like I had planned this. No,...
by Refinery | Mar 14, 2019 | Opinions, Uncategorized
Well, now here I am about a month after my daughter’s first birthday. And I get it. I really didn’t understand how motherhood would change me until it happened. I had heard about sleepless nights, postpartum blues, overwhelming love, undeniable guilt, and everything...